Aim of the project is to investigate the dynamic behavior of cryogenic liquid propellants in the tanks of space vehicles. Subject of the work is the development of numerical methods for the simulation of two phase flows with heat and mass exchange across the phase boundary.
The basis of the implementation will be our CFD solver NAVIER.
A degree (MSc-level or equivalent) in the areas of applied and computational mathematics or a related field is required. Candidates should have good knowledge in the numerical treatment of partial differential equations as well as excellent programming skills or the disposition to become acquainted with the subject quickly.
Salary is paid according to TV-L 13.
Women are especially encouragedto apply. Disabled persons with equal qualifications will be given preferential treatment.
Applications should be sent to:
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Baensch
Applied Mathematics III
Haberstr. 2
91058 Erlangen
For further information see also: