The International Doctorate Program “NanoBioTechnology” (German: Internationales Doktorandenkolleg “NanoBioTechnologie” = IDK-NBT) is an International Doctoral excellence program in NanoBioTechnology, funded by the Elitenetzwerk Bayern. The IDK-NBT offers an ambitious education and research program with intensive support for excellent young scientists who are interested in interdisciplinary research. The program involves faculty members from Physics, Biophysics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, and Environmental Sciences as well as Medicine and is administrated by the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) at the LMU Munich. The IDK-NBT offers outstanding graduate students doctoral scholarships in the area of NanoBioTechnology. Regular lectures and seminars as well as summer workshops and winter schools provide the students with an effective introduction to the interdisciplinary field of nanobiosciences. Early in the program, students have the opportunity to participate in international conferences and in exchange programs with other nanoscience centers. The IDK-NBT is an international program with the lectures and seminars being held in English and a large number of international participants. The PhD scholarships include: Application for a PhD Scholarship The International Doctorate Program “NanoBioTechnology” offers doctoral scholarships for outstanding graduate students, starting on October 1st, 2009. Successful candidates will work in the stimulating interdisciplinary environment of the Center for NanoScience (CeNS) based in Munich and become members of the Elite Network of Bavaria. The PhD students will be supervised by principal investigators of CeNS and will be affiliated with the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU), the Technical University Munich (TUM) or the University of Augsburg. The recommended duration of the PhD work is 3 years. Requirements Applicants should hold a Bachelor Degree or equivalent in either the field of physics, chemistry or life sciences and should have finished or prepare for a Master Degree in one of the same fields to be concluded no later than summer 2009. Excellent grades and a very good command of the English language are important prerequisites. We furthermore expect strong scientific motivation and interest in the activities of the doctoral program and interdisciplinary research. Application deadline: March 31st Start of the PhD scholarships: October 1st Information: Flyer:
Sustainable Energy Program in King Saud University is offering scholarships in Renewable Energy Technologies. Qualified students graduated from Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Physics an Chemistry are welcome to apply to the programs. Fields of research are: solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen energy. Please send your academic CV to the email: ksu.setp[ at ] Job Homepage : Category : Renewable Energy Keywords : Renewable Energy , solar energy, wind energy, hydrogen energy.