PhD Position In Quantitative Finance with Applications in Asset Pricing, Università della Svizzera Italiana [Switzerland]
PhD Position In Quantitative Finance with Applications in Asset Pricing, Università della Svizzera Italiana, Faculty of Economics, Switzerland
The Faculty of Economics of the Università della Svizzera Italiana, Switzerland, opens a PhD position in Quantitative Finance with applications in Asset Pricing, starting in Spring 2009.
The Faculty of Economics of the Università della Svizzera Italiana, founded in 1996, provides an exciting environment in which to develop a research career. The Faculty is involved in scientific programs at Swiss level and in the NCCR-FINRISK competence centre in Finance of the Swiss National Science Foundation.
The successful candidate will be integrated in a young, strongly research oriented team, with strong foundation in quantitative methods in Finance and Economics. For further information on research activities, please visit the web-sites:
The candidate for this position should have the following qualifications:
- Master in Finance, Economics or Mathematics with strong foundation in quantitative methods;
- Interest in numerical methods and Behavioural Finance.
Closing date for application is January 30, 2009. The position starts at 1st March 2009, or at a date to be arranged.
Please send an application with a complete CV to:
Prof. Dr. Enrico De Giorgi
Prof. Dr. Fabio Trojani
Faculty of Economics
Università della Svizzera Italiana
Via Buffi 13
CH-6900 Lugano
E-mail: enrico.degiorgi[ at ], fabio.trojani[ at ]